Friday, June 17, 2011

Analysis about "Miriam"

"Miriam" by Truman Capote reports the story of Mrs. Miller, who has a lonely life and finds a little girl who calls her attention in different ways. Miriam is the name of this girl and she was always looking for Mrs. Miller's company.
Mrs. Miller feels repelled and attracted to Miriam because Miriam makes her realize about her loneliness of which she wasn't aware. For example, when she goes to the movies, she leaves a light burning in her house, because for her  there is nothing more disturbing than that feeling of loneliness she had. Also, Mrs. Miller feels attracted to Miriam because she is her company during these days, and that had never happened to her.
Miriam can be related with Mrs. Miller's death in the way that every time she appears to Mrs. Miller, it snows,  showing the feeling of loneliness and death as it is white and cold.
And finally, if we take into account that only Mrs. Miller can see Miriam, we can say that she is part of her imagination, because she is used by Capote to explain life lessons, as she has been a symbolism for Mrs. Miller's consciousness

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